Posts about job alerts
A/B test: more personalised subject lines on job alert emails
Subject line variant 2* was implemented because it generated a higher click-through rate (CTR) to a vacancy from the job alert emails.
A/B test: subject filters
Subject filters were implemented because users do engage with them when they are present, and because they will be necessary to enable future work of mapping search terms to filters.
A/B test: setting job alert working patterns automatically
Setting working patterns automatically on new job alerts makes job alert emails less relevant to jobseekers
A/B test: requiring users to be more specific when creating a job alert
Increasing job alert quality doesn’t need to sacrifice traffic volume.
A/B test: an inline form to encourage job alert creators to create an account
An inline form encouraged more job alert creators to create an account.
A/B test: job alert banner placement
Making the banner blue and sticky made it more visible.