Updating all school roles categories

We expanded the service to allow hiring staff to list all school roles. We also expanded the service to show all school roles when searching for a job.

We received feedback about the phrasing of ‘non-teaching’ and categorisation of the new roles across the service.

While schools appreciated the expansion to cover all education roles, we did receive some feedback that:

  • the name ‘Teaching Vacancies’ may limit the appeal of all education roles on the service
  • the term ‘non-teaching’ might be perceived as dismissive to roles outside of teaching
  • the categorisation of roles was confusing, especially leadership and support roles

# Action taken from feedback

Based on this feedback, we reviewed and updated our service to better cater to all education roles and ensure a more inclusive and clear user experience.

# Revised role categories:

We changed:

  • ‘non-teaching’ and ‘teaching support’ to group them into a single ‘support’ category to provide a more cohesive experience
  • the ‘teaching’ category to ‘teaching and leadership’ to better reflect senior roles in teaching
  • the ‘other leadership roles’ category so it sits within the ‘teaching and leadership’ category to better reflect user feedback and expectations of where this role type should be

# Updating the changes across the service

To reflect the revised categories, we have updated the:

  • job search journey filters
  • job alert creation form
  • hiring staff job listing journey
  • candidate profiles feature

# User needs

Need HN001


As a hiring staff user
I need to be able to create a job listing
So that jobseekers can find jobs at my school

Need HN002


As a hiring staff user
I need to be proactive in filling vacancies
So that I can find suitable candidates for jobs at my school

Need JN001


As a jobseeker
I need to easily understand a job listing
So that I know whether it’s suitable

Need JN002


As a jobseeker
I need to make prospective employers aware of my abilities
So that they can contact me about opportunities

# Updating the job search filter to allow jobseekers to select teaching or support roles when looking for a job
Screenshot of Updating the job search filter to allow jobseekers to select teaching or support roles when looking for a job
# Updating the job alerts page to have two categories
Screenshot of Updating the job alerts page to have two categories
# Jobseekers can now select between teaching and support roles
Screenshot of Jobseekers can now select between teaching and support roles
# Hiring staff can now search between teaching and support roles
Screenshot of Hiring staff can now search between teaching and support roles