It’s currently possible to create a draft job listing with a publish date in the past.
To stop this from happening we moved the publish date, closing date and start date to a separate page which is shown at the point of publishing.
# User needs
Need HN001
ValidatedAs a hiring staff user
I need to be able to create a job listing
So that jobseekers can find jobs at my school
# Screenshots
![Screenshot of Check](/images/stopping-draft-job-listings-from-having-a-publish-date-in-the-past/check.png)
![Screenshot of Publish](/images/stopping-draft-job-listings-from-having-a-publish-date-in-the-past/publish.png)
![Screenshot of Confirmation](/images/stopping-draft-job-listings-from-having-a-publish-date-in-the-past/confirmation.png)
![Screenshot of Job listing details](/images/stopping-draft-job-listings-from-having-a-publish-date-in-the-past/job-listing-details.png)