Notifying hiring staff about matching jobseeker profiles

We’ll email hiring staff about matching jobseeker profiles:

  • after a job listing is created
  • after a new jobseeker profile is turned on

# User needs

Need HN002


As a hiring staff user
I need to be proactive in filling vacancies
So that I can find suitable candidates for jobs at my school

Need JN002


As a jobseeker
I need to make prospective employers aware of my abilities
So that they can contact me about opportunities

Need JN006


As a jobseeker
I need to find jobs within my desired location
So that I apply to jobs that are suitable for me

Need JN009


As a jobseeker
I need to know when a new job listing is created within my desired schools
So that I can decide whether I want to apply

# Emails

The line ‘at ((location))’ will not be included for vacancies that have been listed at multiple locations.

# After creating a job listing

((number_of_profiles)) jobseeker profiles match ((vacancy_title)) vacancy

Dear ((first_name))

There are ((number_of_profiles)) jobseeker profiles that match your ((vacancy_title)) at ((location)).

You can view the profiles and if you think jobseekers could be suitable, you can invite them to apply.

View profiles:

# Get support

Get support, report a problem or give feedback at

# After a new jobseeker profile matches a job and there’s only one matching vacancy

((number_of_profiles)) new jobseeker profiles match ((vacancy_title)) vacancy

Dear ((first_name))

There are ((number_of_profiles)) new jobseeker profiles that match your ((vacancy_title)) at ((location)).

You can view the profiles and if you think jobseekers could be suitable, you can invite them to apply.

View profiles:

# Get support

Get support, report a problem or give feedback at

# After a new jobseeker profile matches a job and there’s more than one matching vacancy

((number_of_profiles)) new jobseeker profiles match ((number_of_vacancies)) of your vacancies

Dear ((first_name))

There are ((number_of_profiles)) new jobseeker profiles that match ((number_of_vacancies)) of your vacancies.

You can view the profiles and if you think jobseekers could be suitable, you can invite them to apply.

View jobseeker profiles that match your ((vacancy_title)) vacancy at ((location)):

View jobseeker profiles that match your ((vacancy_title)) vacancy at ((location)):

# Get support

Get support, report a problem or give feedback at