Creating a jobseeker profile

We want to give jobseekers the ability to create profiles to allow them to:

  • share their experience and qualifications with schools
  • enter the types of teaching jobs they’re interested in
  • apply to jobs more quickly

Hiring staff could then browse profiles and invite jobseekers to apply for jobs.

# User needs

Need HN002


As a hiring staff user
I need to be proactive in filling vacancies
So that I can find suitable candidates for jobs at my school

Need JN002


As a jobseeker
I need to make prospective employers aware of my abilities
So that they can contact me about opportunities

Need JN003


As a jobseeker
I need to know how to write a good job application
So that I have the best chance of success

Need JN006


As a jobseeker
I need to find jobs within my desired location
So that I apply to jobs that are suitable for me

Need JN009


As a jobseeker
I need to know when a new job listing is created within my desired schools
So that I can decide whether I want to apply

# How it works

# Emailing trainee teachers

We’re planning to send an email to trainee teachers in November 2022, telling them about the service and the benefits of creating a profile.

Clicking the link takes users to create an account.

Find your first teaching job on GOV.UK

As a trainee teacher, you can start thinking about your first teaching job.

You can find teaching jobs on GOV.UK.

# Create a profile

A profile allows you to:

  • share your qualifications and experience with schools
  • specify the types of teaching jobs you’re looking for

When you turn on your profile, schools will be able to contact you about relevant teaching roles.

Create a profile:

# Get support

Get support, report a problem or give feedback at

# Creating an account

To create an account, users will provide an email address and password.

Once they have created an account, they’ll be given the option to create a profile.

# Creating a profile

If they choose to create a profile, they’ll be taken to the profile page.

It has sections for:

  • Personal details - name and contact details
  • Job preferences - role, age group, key stage, subject, working pattern
  • Teaching status - qualified teaching status (QTS), early career teacher (ECT)
  • Degrees
  • Other qualifications
  • Work experience
  • About you

Users can click into each section and fill it out. Once they’ve filled out the section, they can return to the profile page.

# Previewing a profile

Users can preview their profile by clicking ‘Preview profile’. We have not designed this yet.

# Turning on the profile

Users can turn on their profile at any time.

Once the user clicks ‘Turn on profile’ they’re taken to a page that:

  • tells them the consequence of turning on their profile
  • asks them to confirm the action

Clicking ‘Turn on profile’ takes the user back to the profile page with a success message that says ‘Profile turned on’.

It also contains a green status tag of ‘Active’ next to the h1 heading.

# Turning off the profile

Users can turn off their profile at any time.

Once the user clicks ‘Turn off profile’ they’re taken to a page that:

  • tells them the consequence of turning off their profile
  • asks them to confirm the action

Clicking ‘Turn off profile’ takes the user back to the profile page with a success message that says ‘Profile turned off’.

It also removes the green status tag of ‘Active’ next to the h1 heading.

# What we want to find out

We want to find out if jobseekers:

  • understand what a profile is before they create one
  • would choose to create a profile
  • find it easy to create a profile
  • would turn their profile on before it’s complete
  • would turn their profile off
  • understand what happens after they turn their profile on
  • understand what each section of the profile relates to
  • find that the email is too focused on creating a profile
  • find that the confirmation page after creating an account is too focused on creating a profile

# Further considerations

We want to consider:

  • giving users the ability to add location preferences so that they do not get contacted about jobs that are too far away
  • giving users options to state that they’re looking for jobs, or are not looking but happy to hear about new roles
  • giving users a way to stop their profile being seen by their current employer
  • giving users location as a job preference
  • the consequences of turning off a profile after it’s been saved by a school
  • updating the content of the email job seekers receive after creating an account
# Create account
Screenshot of Create account
# Account created
Screenshot of Account created
# Profile
Screenshot of Profile
# Personal details - name
Screenshot of Personal details - name
# Personal details - phone
Screenshot of Personal details - phone
# Personal details - review
Screenshot of Personal details - review
# Preferences - roles
Screenshot of Preferences - roles
# Preferences - phase
Screenshot of Preferences - phase
# Preferences - key stages
Screenshot of Preferences - key stages
# Preferences - subjects
Screenshot of Preferences - subjects
# Preferences - working patterns
Screenshot of Preferences - working patterns
# Preferences - review
Screenshot of Preferences - review
# Teaching status - QTS
Screenshot of Teaching status - QTS
# Teaching status - early career teacher
Screenshot of Teaching status - early career teacher
# Teaching status - review
Screenshot of Teaching status - review
# Qualifications - type
Screenshot of Qualifications - type
# Qualifications - key stages
Screenshot of Qualifications - key stages
# Qualifications - subjects
Screenshot of Qualifications - subjects
# Qualifications - details
Screenshot of Qualifications - details
# Qualifications - review
Screenshot of Qualifications - review
# About
Screenshot of About
# About - review
Screenshot of About - review
# Profile - some filled out
Screenshot of Profile - some filled out
# Turn off profile
Screenshot of Turn off profile
# Turn off profile - success message
Screenshot of Turn off profile - success message
# Turn on profile
Screenshot of Turn on profile
# Turn on profile - success message
Screenshot of Turn on profile - success message