We recently designed an interstitial page to prompt users to complete their school profile.
Previously, this interstitial only focussed on asking users to add a school logo and photo to their school profile. We’ve now rescoped this because logos and photos will be delivered later.
# User needs
Need HN003
ValidatedAs a hiring staff user
I need to showcase information about my school
So that I can attract jobseekers to work at my school
# What we changed
We also realised we had not told users about school profiles yet, so we redesigned the interstitial. It now has:
- a heading that says “Complete your school profile”
- a paragraph that says “The details stored in your school profile are included in your job listings”
Here, we’re trying to encourage users to complete their school profile in order to save time later when they list jobs on the service. It’s clearer and introduces school profiles, before giving them extra tasks to complete. We’ll encourage users to add their school logos and photos later on.
# Screenshots
![Screenshot of School interstitial](/images/changing-the-interstitial-that-prompts-hiring-staff-to-complete-their-school-profile/school-interstitial.png)
![Screenshot of Organisation interstitial](/images/changing-the-interstitial-that-prompts-hiring-staff-to-complete-their-school-profile/organisation-interstitial.png)