Previously, hiring staff could only specify if a job at their school was full time or part time when listing a job.
To try and help encourage flexible working in schools, hiring staff can now specify if any roles can offer these working patterns:
- Full time
- Part time
- Flexible
- Job share
- Term time
Also, as part of a recent feedback workshop and feedback review, hiring staff found the working patterns page to be confusing because they were not sure what to add. The design has been simplifed with more specific hint text and labels to help aid people add the right information to the single textarea for additional details.
The working patterns have also been added to the filters and relevant job adverts on the job search journey.
# User needs
Need HN001
ValidatedAs a hiring staff user
I need to be able to create a job listing
So that jobseekers can find jobs at my school
Need HN002
ValidatedAs a hiring staff user
I need to be proactive in filling vacancies
So that I can find suitable candidates for jobs at my school
Need JN001
ValidatedAs a jobseeker
I need to easily understand a job listing
So that I know whether it’s suitable
# Screenshots
![Screenshot of Adding more options to the working patterns page and simplifying the layout when hiring staff are listing a job](/images/adding-more-options-and-improving-the-design-of-the-working-patterns-page/working-patterns.png)
![Screenshot of More working patterns can now be used as filters on the job search page](/images/adding-more-options-and-improving-the-design-of-the-working-patterns-page/working-pattern-filters.png)
![Screenshot of More working patterns are now visible on job advert pages](/images/adding-more-options-and-improving-the-design-of-the-working-patterns-page/working-pattern-advert.png)