Adding a school logo iteration 2

We recently designed a school profile flow, that included adding a school logo.

We’ve now improved this page to make the instructions clearer. Research showed that if users did not understand the technical instructions, they would not know what to do next. So, we added a line that gave hiring staff a way to contact support.

We did not use a summary list on the ‘check answers’ page. Instead the logo hiring staff upload is displayed below the heading in order to use the space more appropriately.

# User needs

Need HN002


As a hiring staff user
I need to be proactive in filling vacancies
So that I can find suitable candidates for jobs at my school

# Upload school logo - check answers
Screenshot of Upload school logo - check answers
# Upload school logo - success message
Screenshot of Upload school logo - success message
# Upload organisation logo - check answers
Screenshot of Upload organisation logo - check answers
# Upload organisation logo - success message
Screenshot of Upload organisation logo - success message